Jul 30, 2012

Robot Results 2012 June-July

Out of the six robots we were regularly reviewing for the last few months, only four remain. Out of those four, three are erratic at times, with big wins followed by big losses or small losses eroding the wins. One is still doing fairly well.

Here's a quick review.

Inside Bar

This is the robot which has been fairly consistent. It ended it's demo period with a $2,000 profit, was reset to $5,000, and is up again about $1,250.

I've created two variations of the inside bar robot, but they haven't done as well, and I'm not sure why. However, I've also been manually trading this system and it shows promise, leading me to believe there's an issue with the stop-loss and trailing-stop settings.

Pending Reversal Candle

Every so often this robot wins large, and it ended it's last demo period up about $2,000. So far in this demo period it's been mostly down and isn't doing so much. Not sure what the future of this robot will be.

Daily Close Break Out

This robot had periods of nice profits, but generally was a pretty big loser. After more tweaking, another good week or two, it bombed and kept losing. Finally decided to ditch it.

Weekly Close + ATR

Another erratic bot. Currently in profit, but is badly affected by consolidation. I still have a feeling this robot can be successful with some minor adjustments or filtering, but haven't quite figured it out.

Weekly Break Out 2

Pretty much the same as it's cousin mentioned above, but currently isn't in profit. Had a great week where it made over $1,000, which was quickly eroded the next week by whip-sawing.

Open Close H4 Bot

The oldest robot, which was kept to show trend strength. It had been a while since it had a winning period, so I tweaked it. Later, it was tweaked again, and then I realized it was not serving it's purpose any more. So it was ditched.


So, there we have it. Inside bars shows promise, and while the others may also be successful somewhere down the road, it takes time to monitor them all.

An additional interesting thing is that I found a problem with automatic stop-loss and trailing stop settings, where they were set automatically when the robot started, and then not again like they were supposed to be.

However after fixing the problem, none of my robots seemed to perform any better!

Turtle Trading

Here's an interesting video about trend following. Interesting points the speaker makes at the beginning is that you need discipline, money management skills, and that being of lower than average intelligence can be a benefit!
