Regularly reviewing several automated robots over the last few months has been fun, and it's also been a good learning experience.
Some robots run well for a while, then ultimately fail when left to run long enough due to a changing market. Some bugs have been found, some settings changed, and some good comparisons between systems have been made.
We've come to a point where we can easily see that most of the regularly reviewed robots have failed, and there's no more point continuing. While it's possible they may yet recover and start posting gains again, it seems a better idea to focus on the one robot which has been consistent through this whole process - the Inside Bar robot.
I have many other robots currently undergoing testing, and I may revive regular reviews and post results from some of them too.
Additionally, I started a spread sheet so as to more easily see robot performance over time, and this seemed like a good idea. However there's several good websites which allow the collecting of results directly from the trading platform, and this might be a better idea for future reviews. We'll give it some time and see what is decided.
Let's do a final review.
Inside Bar
This is the Inside Bar robots current results. Remember that this is the second iteration of this particular demo account, the first having expired with an approximately $2,000 gain from a $5,000 account. Currently it's about half way through it's second three month demo period, and is up another $1,200.
This robot is running on two currency pairs only, with different stop loss and trailing stop settings, with fairly high margin.
Because of the success of this robot, several variations of this robot were coded and put onto demo charts, and they haven't done well.
Additionally, we started manually trading this system as well, and it experienced quite a bit of success with minimal effort. Pondering why this should be, bugs were found in the automatic trailing stop and stop loss settings of these other robots.
These bugs are now fixed, but the systems continue to do poorly. The manual account hasn't had much luck the last few weeks either, and we're thinking this is due to market conditions.
However, we also noticed positive trades seem to cut off too soon. We realized the margin filter was closing these down. Because of the high leverage and because the robots are running on more than just two pairs, margin became a problem.
This is also fixed now, so hopefully in the next few months we should see some positive results. If we don't, then this will be very perplexing!
Pending Reversal Candle
This robot returned poor results in back testing, then was erratic during demo testing, but ended it's first demo account run up $2,000. So we let it run. It's now down $1,000. Don't know what it's deal is, not really bothered by it, either. We have several other robots which incorporate similar principals, so there's no need to focus on this one any more
Daily Close Break Out
This robot underwent a minor and then a major revision, but continued to perform poorly. It was discontinued some time ago.
Weekly Close + ATR
Believe it or not, this one was up $1,000 just a few short weeks ago, but profits were whip-sawed away.
Bugs were fixed in this robot, but performance didn't improve. It really is sort of similar to the inside bar robot anyway, except the inside bar robot can move around a little more.
I'm still inspired by these robots, but with the terrible performance, I don't think we can justify keeping them running.
Weekly Break Out 2
Pretty much what I wrote for the above robot is true for this one, too.
The Open-Close H4 and Daily Close Break-out bots were discontinued some time ago, and so there's no results to post for them. Just know that they were terrible!
So there we have it. Out of 6 robots, 1 continues to show promise, even through tough conditions. It works well as a manual system, works well as an automated system, but care has to be taken with stop loss and take profit levels, as well as watching leverage and choosing the pairs it runs on wisely.
We'll keep you updated on the performance of the current Inside Bar robot, as well as it's derivatives from time to time. We may also add a few more robots that we currently have under wraps.