Jun 9, 2012

Robot Results 2012-06-04 to 2012-06-09

Don't forget the spread sheet with the results!

Inside Bar

Started the week off well, then got whipsawed by the AUD which hurt, bad. Down $448.

Pending Reversal Candle

One order, one loss, down $197.

Daily Close Break Out

Down $56 in two orders. I increased the buffer size on this bot and now it barely trades. I'm pretty sure this is a dead idea. I've been pondering ways to fix it or things to adjust to make it work better, but I didn't come up with anything.

May replace this robot with another soon, but for the moment while I'm feeling lazy I'll leave it running.

Weekly Close + ATR

Another robot which started off well, then suffered big losses later in the week. Luckily the wins off-set the losers by $1.

It's interesting to see the difference between this robot and it's older relative, the Weekly Break Out 2 robot. They seem to have weeks where one works better than the other, then other weeks where they swap roles. I'm sure the stop losses and tailing stop settings have a lot to do with things, but I'm not sure if it's the settings themselves or just market action which is deciding which works and which doesn't.

Weekly Break Out 2

A few moderately large wins, and a few losers limited by tight stop loss settings. Profit of $547, despite using half the leverage of the Weekly Close + ATR robot. If only it would behave this well every week.

It's interesting how the usual best performing robot, Inside Bar, has failed miserably this week, but Weekly Break Out has been having some good runs lately.

I was leaning towards developing only the Inside Bar robot further, but with a few more results like this by the weekly breakout robots, and I'll reconsider.

Open-Close H4 Bot

This poor old robot loses another $130 this week. It doesn't seem to do what it was designed to do any more, which is follow strong trends. I adjusted the over brought/over sold filter to make it less sensitive, but this robot still didn't trade much. 

Am currently thinking of ways to improve it, to return some of it's strong trend winning ability. There was a period of time when this robot performed extremely well, but that was a while ago, and with the exception of another two week period, performance has been miserable. It's fascinating that the market can make a robot a winner for just a period of time.