Inside Bar
Down $40 this last week, for two negative results in a row. This bot usually performs quite well.
Incidentally, I back tested this robot again for fun, and this time, I was unable to get positive results. This is very strange, considering the back test before that yielded very positive results and was the reason for the current settings of these robots. I have no idea what to think about this, other than there is yet another problem with MetaTrader 4's back tester.
I also back tested a few variations of this design and none yielded positive results. It's very confusing! The demo results from the last three months have been very encouraging.
$508 profit last week. This robot is inconsistent, but I have noticed it seems to perform better in uncertain market conditions, and when the Inside Bar robot fails, this one often ends the week positive.
Daily Close Break Out
Lost another $56 the week before last, and balance wasn't improving much over the $3,000 mark, so I deleted the account, created a new one, and re-worked the code out of desperation. It ended the week $139 up, which was quite impressive. This current week is not showing very good signs though, so despite the code changes, I still think this idea is dead. I'm itching to delete this robot.
Weekly Close + ATR
The weekly breakout robots started the week well, but suffered a series of losses. This one ended up $322. These robots are also inconsistent, but when there is a big breakout they tend to do extremely well.
I ran them through the back tester again, and yielded mostly positive results still, so even if there is a problem with the back tester, this along with demo results are encouraging.
Weekly Break Out 2
Despite a good start to the week, there were whip saws ahoy and we close down $500. Despite using half the lot size of the other weekly breakout robot, the ending balances are approximately the same.
It's also interesting to see how the variations between these robots play out with regards to weekly performance. I haven't formulated any ideas for tweaks between these two robots yet, but will keep an eye on them.
Open Close H4 Bot
Third weekly loss in a row. This robot is just sad, and the over-brought/over-sold filter added a few weeks ago doesn't seem to be doing it any favors. I very tempted to kill this robot off also.