Feb 9, 2012

ECB Press Conference

One particularly good Forex site I like is FxTimes. It's divided nicely between Fundamental and Technical analysis, and I find the charts particularly easy to follow.

Upon reading this post about the EURUSD, I hear the ECB has a press conference scheduled for tonight (Australian time).

I've been ignoring fundamental news lately, as it seems any rumor out of Europe creates spikes in the currency, and it's difficult to make sense of what's happening. I was hoping the break-out strategy I'm currently trying would help me catch any real price breaks while avoiding spikes.

My BUY (1.33215) & SELL (1.31711) STOP orders are still in place from earlier today, and I'm hoping they are well enough away from any volatility that might lead up to this event, but still capture any big breaks that happen.